Saturday, September 16, 2006

Echoes Of Dawn

September 16th

Dawn slips in and starts making noise pretty early these days. No use trying to sleep once you've decided not to anymore so I get up. This house sits on a ravine where a street should be, at least on paper. Squirrels, rats, possum, lots a birds. Sometimes they sound pretty big, like a bear or something, an animal truck on fur wheels driving around on the roof. It rains sometimes when I'm sleeping so I don't hear it but I wake up to the wet and the glisten of fresh wet.

There's a a community radio conference in town today. I'm doing a panel on the importance of community radio to the independent musician. Duh. As if that even needs to be addressed. Sometimes I think these things are put together like a weekend with the family - a reason for everybody to hang out. Anyway, it'll be interesting. There's three of us on the panel: me, a rapper named Silver Shadow, and a jazz singer named Datri Bean. It'll be worth it just to meet them: different circles, different songs. Then later on Amy Goodman shows up and dose a talk at Town Hall. I've known Amy for a number of years now and have dropped in on her New York studio. She plays my music from time to time. I'm not scheduled to play anything at her gig tonight bu you never know. She might make a request so I'll have my guitar just in case. The organizers have decided that they don't want another "white male" with a guitar so I don't think anybody's doing anything. But if Amy makes a request, then... You get the picture.

Gotta get my ticket to Taipei today. They'll reimburse me on the other side when I get there. It'll cost about $850. I was going to give that money to FASTRAX for CD manufacture but I'll have to put that off. Money. Isn't it great? It's an historical (hysterical) social agreement that people kill each other for. One of these days we'll change our minds and send those bankers packing. Until then, hey buddy, can you spare a eight hundred and fifty dollars?

Did a little digging last night to see how Ward Churchill is doing. Ward's the UC Boulder prof who got in all that trouble for saying the obvious: that there were reasons why those people flew those airplanes into the Trade Towers. He used the term "little Eichmanns," assuming that everybody knew who Eichmann was. They didn't of course, and everybody got mad. The right wingers wanted his head on a platter. Still do. I've known Ward for 20 years. I played at his wedding. And just to make things simple: all Eichmann ever did was sign the papers to put the Jews on the railroad trains. Period. Bureaucracy. That's all. A system wherein everybody can say, "I didn't do it." "This is just my job." That was just his job. So if you want to find out what's going on with Ward check out this link: And for god's sake, think for yourself....

Gotta get going. Try to get some more CDs from the manufacturer. Spread them around at the conference. Sell some tomorrow at the Busker Festival. Come on down - it'll be a blast!


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